It's incredible to think she's come such a long way, from the tiny little leveret that she was when we took her in, to a full grown-up handsome hare that she is now!!
She's doing quite well and she now has a new favourite dish... she loves baby potatoes!!
One day I moved the basket where I keep fresh garlic, onions and baby potatoes to a lower shelf in the kitchen and she discovered it by accident and now she's officially addicted to potatoes! She knows where they are and she helps herself to them every day!!
She's quite nosey and curious, and she’s watchful of anything new or different around the house and she's not afraid of anything!
We soon found out that if we want her to eat something specific there's no point in putting it on her plate as she will not eat it, but hide it into a basket and she is soon into the basket munching away!
Buster having a nap!

After months and months of chewing her wicker basket, Buster finally realizes what it's for!

Buster still takes her beloved bottle!

And oh yes.. she still likes to climb on the flower pots to eat away the soil and the plant!

Ohh this is yummy!

Buster: "How do I get down??"

Buster: "How do I get back up??"

Hoppy Birthday, Buster! And many more!
Likes potatoes - must be an Irish hare thing. :) And a very hoppy birthday, many more to come!
Happy Hoppy Birthday, Buster! We miss your lovely face!
Happy Birthday, Buster!!!
Aww, happy birthday Buster. How great to see that you are still doing well. What a gorgeous girl!
I'm so glad to see Buster again. She is so beautiful . . . and so different looking than my bunny! I am looking forward to the announcement of your other little one!
Congratulations and many hoppy returns of the day!
happy birthday, young, scamp. ; )
Aww, Buster is such a cutie -- and a character, like any good critter of rabbity persuasion.
Well, I typed this once already, but it got lost! I was saying that I can identify with you struggling to get Buster to drink water on her own, as I have dealt with my bunny, Daisy, and this issue (we had a bad experience with some very bad water which seemed to put her off water all together). Daisy went 18 months without drinking any water on her own and only getting water from water-drenched veggies (per vet advice). I had put some trays on the floor in a couple places in my apartment for humidity purposes and one day spotted Daisy drinking from a very large tray. She would only drink from this very large tray (large enough for her to get into, not that she did!) and nothing else. She also would not drink out of this tray if it was in her cage! Eventually, I "weaned" her, very slowly, from this huge tray down to a more normal-sized bowl (this entire time, I had a bowl of water in her cage, which was left untouched and only served to "collect" various items in her cage-toys, poo, etc). When she got down to the normal-sized bowl, I slowly moved it closer to her cage and eventually had the exact same kind of bowl in her cage as well as just outside of her cage. And, after about 6 months of this hard work and "weaning" she started drinking from her bowl in her cage! Yes, I was happy!!! I don't know if something like this would work for Buster or not, but just don't give up, eventually, someday, hopefully she'll pick up on what that water is supposed to be for! Here is a website that is great for bunny questions and information: and there is forum for discussion! ~melissa
She is a hare after all!
I'm sure that all the soil digging & the food hunting come naturally to her & it's part of her instincts :-)
If you want to stick with Happy Birthday as your theme, make it a famous one.
They need to function. Such is the Start of a fantastic illness. All we need to do to combat the onset of this physical breakdown is simply to breathe more deeply more often.
There's no point in putting it on her plate as she will not eat it, but hide it into a basket and she is soon into the basket munching away!
Delightful! She's such a cute bunny with such a lot of personality! Have you thought of getting another friend for Buster? You could let Buster select, for a successful friendship.
The activities of Buster to see is really very amazing, she is doing many noty activity n picture ....i thing she is very noty and you are enjoy with it to live...
Sneaky fox
Happy Birthday Buster advance ......she is so cuteeeee
link building amsterdam
So nice and lively buster Birthday is very amazing....this is a better way to celebrate it.
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